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A positive angle starts from 0 degrees and winds around the circle counter-clockwise.

A negative angle starts from 0 degrees and winds around the circle clockwise.

The circle is divided into 4 quadrants.

If the angle is moving in a positive direction, then:

Quadrant 1 includes angles from 0 to 90 degrees.
Quadrant 2 includes angles from 90 to 180 degrees.
Quadrant 3 includes angles from 180 to 270 degrees.
Quadrant 4 includes angles from 270 to 360 degrees (0 is also 360).

If the angle is moving in a negative direction, then:

Quadrant 1 includes angles from -270 to -360 degrees (0 is also -360).
Quadrant 2 includes angles from -180 to -270 degrees.
Quadrant 3 includes angles from -90 to -180 degrees.
Quadrant 4 includes angles from 0 to -90 degrees.

Each positive revolution around the circle adds 360 to the angle (90 + 360 = 450).
Each negative revolution around the circle subtracts 360 from the angle (-90 - 360 = -450).